Ooof that hurt!
Ouch! (ECA vs Stockport C)
Frozen but victorious in Chorlton also
On Tuesday East Cheshire C ventured out in the snow to visit Chorlton B and won 3.5 to 1.5. Andy Walker captained. The scores were
Alan Stokes 1 0 Evan Wood
Bill Tait 1 0 Howard Hughes
Mike Cunnane 1/2 1/2 E Patten
Andy Buckley 0 1 P Noel
Andy Walker 1 0 M Fullerton
Alan was playing the white side of a Queen’s gambit accepted. It was even until the middle of the game; he later managed a winning king side attack with an exchange sacrifice.
Bill achieved a precarious advantage and managed to promote a centre pawn for a timely win. The drive home was difficult, said Bill.
Andy W says, “Many thanks gents – a convincing win in less than ideal conditions!”
Frozen but Victorious in Denton
Last night ECA braved the snow and the cold to take on Denton at their venue in Guide Bridge. Unfortunately the playing venue was little warmer than outside as the heating had only just gone on. Therefore we were all hoping for some “fire on board” to warm things up. Here is what happened:
She is in Dubai so I will have to do this. Here is last nights game against DB, another tight one hinging on small decisions.
1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. a3 Bxc3 5. bxc3 b6 6. Bf4
(The game Explorer on gives ….6 …. OO here, but only one game and a white win so Bf4 seems largely untested, cant be bad)
6 …. Bb7 7. e3 d5 (maybe 7 …. d6 is more solid)
8. Nf3 OO 9. Qc2 Nbd7 10. Bd3 ( probably 10. cxd5 first is more accurate)
10. … dxc 11. Bxc4 Be4 12. Bd3 Bxd3 13. Qxd3
My thoughts on this positionin the game :-
1. Its pretty level
2. Dont get check mated on h7
3. Best winning chance is the c and d files
4. a Knight for bishop exchange would be useful
13 ….. h6 14. OO Nh5 15. Bg3 Nxg3 16. hxg3 (think I would have played fxg3 here)
16. …. Nf6 17. c4 c5 18. Rfd1 cxd 19. exd Rac8. Reasonably happy now as have achieved 1-4 above
20. a4 Qc7 21. Ne5 Rfd8 22. Qf3 (stopping my planned Nd7)
22. …… Nh7 23. Qe3 f6 24. Nf3 ( and the game swings slightly my way, I had wondered if Ng6 might happen but its hard to see what it might do from there)
24. ….. Qxc4
I am a pawn up but all the heavy artillery is still on, dificult win if it stays on, if the artillery comes off then the end game is won, so was not too unhappy when DB started offering exchanges
25. Rdc1 Qd5 26. Rxc8 Rxc8 27. Rc1 Rxc1 28. Qxc1 Qd7 29. Qc4 Nf8
30. Nd2 Qd5 31. Qc3 Kf7 32. f3 Ke7 33. Kf2 Nd7 34. Qb4+ Qd6
35. Qc3 e5 36. Nb3 a5
DB had less than a minute left at the time control, I think time has been significant in both our games
37. dxe fxe. (this broke up my pawns a bit but I felt it was important to keep Dave’s horse off d4)
38. Ke2 Nc5 39. Nxa5? bxa5 40. Qxa5 Qa6+ 41. Qxa6 Nxa6 42. Kd3 Kd6
43. Ke4 g6 44. f4 Nc5+ 45. Kf3 exf 46. gxf Nxa4 47. g4 Nc5
White Resigns
ECB close to revenge
Last night the second leg of the ECA vs ECB dual was played. This time it was closer and ECB were only one win away from drawing the match. Here is how it went:
C Team vs Marple B, 18th November 2010
A pair of drawers? On Thursday the C Team played away at Marple, and narrowly avoided being whitewashed by virtue of two draws achieved by Geoff and Andy W. But … “We’ll be back.” (Well , not literally – the return match will be at ours.) Thanks for a good match, Marple, enjoyed by all.
Those scores:
East Cheshire C (Away)…………….Marple B (Home)
Geoff Clarke ……………1/2…. 1/2 Jeff Barlow
Mike Cunnane …………0…….. 1 .. Trefor Thomas
Ian Vaughan …………. 0……… 1.. Roy Phillips
Andy Walker …………1/2….. 1/2 .Barrie Edwards
Roy Burrows …………. 0 ……..1 ..Neil Dainty
TOTAL………………….. 1 …….. 4
Dave Broadbent V Graham Ball
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Bd3 Qb6 6. OO (6. cxd is probably best)
6 ……. cxd 7. Nbd2
I have forgotten how to insert a board but here is the crux of the matter, White has sacrificed a pawn for some play, not much play yet in practise so far its played 3 won 3 for Graham so it must have something
7 ….. Bd7 (7. …..Nge7 or 7. …….f6 according to the database)
8 Nb3 f6?
9. Re1 (I think getting the Queen to e2 and the Rook to d1 is more accurate in the main line but
after 8…. f6 simply Nbxd4 equalises at least)
9. …… OOO
10. a4 fxe 11. Nxe5 Nxe5 12. Rxe5 Bd6 13. Rh5 Nf6 14. Bg5 Nxh5 15. Bxd8 Qxd8 16. Qxh5 Qf6 17. Bb5 Rf8 18. BxB KxB 19. Qe2 Kc8 20. f3 Qh6
21. g3 Qf6? ( 21….Qe3+ leaves Black with a clear advantage)
22. Kg2 e5 23. Rf1 h5 24. Qb5 Qf7 25. Qd3 g5?! (maybe 25….h4)
26. a5 h4 27. a6 b6 28 Qb5 e4 ?! (better moves available)
29. Nxd4 h3? (time trouble swings the game White’s way)
30. Kg1 (must not just take the h pawn)
30. …….Bc5
31. Qe6+ Qc7? ( 31 …. Kb8 maybe better)
32. Qa8 + Qb8
33. Qxd5 exf
34. C3?! ( 34. Qe6+ needs looking at)
34. ………Qc7
35. Qxg5 Qd7
36. Qd2 Qd5 37. Kf2 Re8 38. Re1 Rxe1 39. Kxe1 Qe4+ 40. Kf2 Qb1 41. Kxf3 Qf1+
42. Qf2 Qd3+ 43. Kg4 Qg6+ 44. Kxh3 Qh7+ 45. Kg2 Qe4+ 46. Qf3 Qb1 47. Qf5+ 1-0
ECA shows its class
On a dark frigid night in East Cheshire a momentous event occurred. Two East Cheshire teams met in the league for the first time in living memory. The A team needed to continue their promotion drive while the B team needed to stay clear of the relegation zone. Here is how the games went:
Bramhall put up a fight
ECA continued their good start to the season last night with another win, this time over Bramhall.
C Team vs Stockport D, 10th November 2010
A rare defeat.
East Cheshire C – 2: Stockport D – 3. The scores were:
Geoff Clarke…..0…1….David Preen
Mike Cunnane 1…0…Marc Jackson
Ian Vaughan…..0…1…John Kelly
Andy Walker….1….0…Ian Anderson
Roy Burrows….0….1…Ray Bradney
Ian and Geoff took early baths: Ian won an exchange but blundered away a middle game advantage and a solid position. Mike was worse off for much of his game but played a good end game. Andy (playing stronger than his grade this season) attributed his win to a tactical exchange begun by giving away a bishop.
We were outgraded on every board, so a respectable score and congratulations to Mike and Andy.